Funded Project Reports 2006-2007

Sponsoring Organization Project (each link will open in a new window) Total Project PRAD Share
BC Grain Producers Association Canola Council Representation 6,845.25 3,422.63
BC Grain Producers Association Wildlife Management & Environmental Stewardship Awareness 5,799.68 2,899.84
BC Grain Producers Association Crop Research Representation 16,347.06 7,750.00
BC Grain Producers Association Grain Transportation & Marketing 5,527.52 2,763.76
BC Grain Producers Association Business Risk Management Consultation 6,516.24 3,258.12
BC Grain Producers Association Variety Trials 113,428.06 56,714.03
BC Grain Producers Association
Bio-Diesel in the Peace Seminar
9,370.66 4,685.33
Dawson Creek Sheep Breeders
Delegate to BC Sheep Federation Symposium
1,708.50 775.00
Dr. K. Falk, Ag Canada Brown Girdling Root Rot Study – Results to be published at conclusion of project 102,602.00 7,500.00
Peace Region Forage Seed Association BC Forage Seed Research Trials 14,981.55 7,490.77
Peace Region Forage Seed Association Seed Producers Summer Tour 6,228.21 2,548.71
Totals 289,354.73 99,808.19